Mission + Values

Our Values

People First

We believe the most important impact we can have is on people whose lives and livelihoods are threatened by climate change. We seek to elevate diverse voices and ensure equitable outcomes for those most affected by climate change.


We know that adapting to climate change will require ingenuity, creativity, and intellectual rigor. We are committed to learning from the most successful approaches and the best available science. We are ready to challenge the status quo when needed as we invent and enable new ways to thrive on the planet.


It will take a village to improve climate resilience globally. We are committed to creating an organization that builds a big tent for people and other groups who share our mission, and to modeling attitudes of openness and inclusivity in our work.

Relentless Optimism

Climate change brings urgent challenges that can at times feel insurmountable. Our relentless optimism sustains our efforts to leverage innovation for the greater good and protect communities and society from the impacts of climate change.

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